Armor of God Understanding and Expressing YOUR armor

Our sound is unique to us.  It is a manifestation of our soul, but in order to connect to our unique sound we need to feel safe!  Safety is number one when it comes to connecting to our heart, mind, body, and soul.  It's imperative when we think about sharing our voice and our soul.  We were designed to be safe and protected and we have been given the most powerful protection.  The armor of God.  There's nothing more powerful than His armor and when you are wearing your personalized armor you will feel more connected not only to God, but also to yourself.

As much as this class is about getting to know and love your armor, it's also about getting to know and love YOU.  You are the most powerful person in your life.  Your sound will impact you far more than it will impact anyone else because your sound is always with you.  Come with me as we discover your armor, love your armor, and free your voice.

There are 12 info packed classes!!!  The Armor of God is made of 6 pieces.

The Belt of Truth:  Class one is about understanding what truth is and the difference between truth and Truth and connecting you to your Truth.  Class two we discuss how you can express your truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness:  There are two layers to the breastplate, the first class will cover healing your heart.  Class two covers the breastplate itself, understanding what that means and how to express righteousness.

The feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Class one we discuss the structure of the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of truth and what that means.  Class two we discuss the four main pieces that are involved with the feet being shod and how we can express those things.

The Helmet of Salvation:  In level one I walk you understanding what salvation means and receiving the visual for your personal armor.  It most likely will not look like anything you've previously imagined it to be.   Class two we discuss how we can express salvation and signs of weakness in our helmet

The Shield of faith:  This is our first layer of defense when it comes from the outside world.  In level one we discuss what it looks like to have it be our first defense and how we can apply it in our lives.  In class two we discuss expressing faith.

The Sword of the Spirit:  In the first class we get to know and understand the Spirit and why the sword is the very last piece of armor we take up.  In the second class we discuss the most powerful ways and most appropriate ways we can express with the sword without causing injury.  

Each class also includes worksheets to dive deeper and reference sheets to help support you in putting on and expressing your armor.  

Each class will also include me intuitively singing the sound of each piece of armor!!!  How is this helpful???  When I sing for my clients, they receive visions, feelings, or words that give them insight into the sound of what it is I’m singing  This singing will give you information and YOUR specific armor, understanding it and loving it!!!  I’m so excited to sing to you!

By the end of the class you will feel more protected and more connected to your armor and to your voice.  This class will give you the ability to step into your vulnerability and your power.

I hope you can join us for this information packed class!

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